So what IS colloidal silver?
Colloidal silver is a suspension of very tiny silver particles in pure water, used by many to prevent infection and enhance health. It kills bacteria and boosts the body’s natural immune system. Anti-biotics kill the bad bacteria, but has negative side effects, and kills the good bacteria along with the bad, which breaks down the immune system.
Farmers of the 1800’s and into the early 1900’s used it to keep milk fresh without refrigeration.
Colloidal silver was used in pre-1940 by many, if not all, physicians. Doctors used it as an effective antibiotic.
Later, as medicine expanded and new medications were developed, these replaced colloidal silver. People accepted the new as better, and began to refer to colloidal silver as a “quack” drug.
A minority of people remembered its value, and continued research. From the continued research, Colloidal Silver and its effectiveness in treating sickness reappeared on the market.
What is Silver used for?
Sinus – can be sniffed or sprayed up the nose and taken by mouth for sinus problems and infections
Throat – take by mouth for sore throats and even strep
Skin – used for acne, scars and stretch marks
Food Poisoning – take if you know or suspect you’ve come across contaminated food. We have taken a dose many times “just in case”!
- Key Product Features
• Doctor recommended• Backed by Science• Tested by major universities and certified independent laboratories• Hundreds of completed tests at government certified laboratories• GSA and VA approved for purchase• Proven safe in 7 different safety studies• Pro-biotic tested and found harmless against friendly bacteria or flora• Customer proven with over a million bottles sold throughout the world• Only product of this type to be presented before a congressional hearing on Malaria (Apr 2005)
How do I personally use silver?
It can be used as a prevention for sickness. I’ve never given it to my family everyday, though that is considered safe. If silver is already in your system on a continual basis, your body becomes a little “immune” to it. It’s not a permanent thing – you just have to go off it for a few weeks to get it out of your system so that it is once again very effective to fight sickness. But I don’t personally want it in my system everyday, because if a sickness does strike, I want the complete benefit from it. I do give my girls a dose a day if I hear something bad is going around – to help build their immune systems. When we travel out of town, one of my kids have always gotten sick, from throwing up to colds, – I assume from eating different foods, drinking different water and being in a changed climate. I now give them a dose of silver a day when we travel, and they have stayed free from sickness on our trips.
It can be used to fight sickness once it has started. If we have the starting of a cold or allergies, I give a dose about twice a day. But if something more severe hits, like flu, virus, fever, etc. – I get much more aggressive and give a dose 3-5 times a day. I continue hitting it hard for a few days, and then taper off to a dose once or twice a day for a total of 10 days. When anti-biotics are prescribed, it’s normally for 10 days, so I administer silver for that long. I have stopped before the 10 days and witnessed the sickness coming back. Like I said, though, I do taper off the amount during the 10 days – being aggressive the first few days, going down to just a few doses a day for the next few days, and give just a dose a day the last days. If at any time that I start tapering off I notice symptoms getting any worse, I up the dose again to at least 3 times a day, and then start tapering off as the symptoms lessen.
You can buy colloidal silver from the internet for about half the price of buying it in a store ~ and it lasts for several sicknesses!
Terrelle Hartley says
colloidal silver? I learn something know every day. Thanks for the info. Check my blog out if get the opportunity
Jills Home Remedies says
Thank you for stopping by, Terrelle!
Anonymous says
Well done, colloidal silver would be called a miracle medicine if drug companies could patent it.
Colloidal silver kills flu, colds, fungus, … its absolutely amazing stuff. Now they add it to antibiotics to kill antibiotic resistant MRSA in India. And, guess what, its not the antibiotic that’s killing the MRSA, its the colloidal silver.
I think the best brand is from Advanced Silver company, but any ionic colloidal silver will do.
Jills Home Remedies says
Thank you for sharing this info!