Doctors today recommend that rice cereal be the first food that baby’s eat ~ if you ask them, they will admit (at least a doctor local to me does) that the rice cereal is useless nutrition-wise. They recommend this rice cereal to help the baby learn to eat solid foods and to eat from a spoon. This rice cereal, however, has been associated with increasing the risk of diabetes, and giving your baby’s system an appetite for processed carbs as they get older, like cakes, cookies, white bread, etc. Do you ever crave these processed carbs? I do, and my family does! We have to wean our bodies off of them so that it begins to crave healthy food, and you don’t have to force-feed yourself the healthy stuff! 🙂
So what is a perfect first food for babies?
Egg yolks.
What? We’re told eggs are bad for babies until they are a year old? Well, only the egg whites can cause an allergic reaction. Egg yolks are completely safe and healthy!
I recommend using only organic or free-range eggs for this. We have chickens here, but if you don’t have your own chickens, you can buy them at a local supermarket or health food store. It is normally cheaper, though, to find someone in your area that sells fresh, free-range eggs. I see signs all over the place when I drive down country roads.
Are free-range eggs all that much better for you than the regular, perfectly white, store-bought ones?
Free-range (some call them farm eggs, fresh eggs, etc.) have….
*4 to 6 times more vitamin D
*1⁄3 less cholesterol
* 1⁄4 less saturated fat
* 2⁄3 more vitamin A
* 2 times more omega-3 fatty acids
* 3 times more vitamin E
* 7 times more beta carotene
….than the store bought ones. Also, the regular ones at the store come from chickens that are most likely fed hormones and antibiotics. I’d rather not feed those to my baby!
What I do with the eggs is boil them, remove the yolk from the middle, mash it and sprinkle with sea salt.
This is linked to:
The Prairie Homestead
Thanks for this great info. Jill! How did you find this out? A book?
I got my information from I’m glad it could be helpful! 🙂