It’s easy to think that heartburn and indigestion are the same, but they are not. Indigestion is caused by discomfort and/or burning in the abdominal area after eating. It’s main cause is unhealthy lifestyle and/or eating habits. Indigestion can lead to heartburn, so it’s easy to get the two mixed up.
Heartburn is caused by an excess of stomach acids. The acid is a warm burning sensation that can climb from the stomach all the way up to the throat.
Heartburn symptoms can include:
*Pain in chest after bending over
*Pain after eating
*Pain when lying down
*Burning chest or throat
*Sour taste in your mouth
*Chest pains with a chronic cough
What can cause heartburn?
*Alcohol consumption
*Pregnancy (the baby puts pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter (LES))
*Hiatal Hernia
*Too much food in the stomach
*Eating a poor diet of too many spicy or fatty foods
Here are some remedies for heartburn that you can try (I recommend using them 3 times a day)~
*1 tsp. of baking soda in a glass of water. Squeeze juice of one lemon in it and drink. Drink as soon as possible while still fizzy.
*Chamomile Tea. Steep 2 tsp. in a cup of boiling water for about 10 minutes. Click here to buy chamomile. Click here to read more on making tea from loose herbs.
*Take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and immediately wash down with a glass of water. The vinegar may burn, but washing it down with water makes it better. It’s important to buy a raw apple cider vinegar for this that contains living enzymes. My favorite is Bragg’s, but you can use any raw apple cider vinegar.
*Take 3 Tbsp. of raw honey a day, making sure one of the tablespoons is taken right before bed. It’s important that it’s raw honey because honey that has been heated doesn’t contain the same healing properties as the raw.
Why does honey work? Honey has been shown to fight bacteria, block infection, combat inflammation, reduce pain, and improve circulation. It also stimulates the regrowth of tissue which will heal the esophagus and sphincter.
Heartburn is a miserable thing to deal with! I’d love to hear how these remedies help you!
Home Remedies For Heartburn
Photo Credit: Seriously Blog AmSurg via Compfight cc
I did some research on home remedies for heartburn a couple years ago. I have found that eating a Gala apple works well. Also, getting a whole raw carrot and chewing it up slowly works too.
Thank you for sharing!
Betonite Clay! A 1/2 teaspoon dissolved in a small glass of water, followed by a glass of plain water, knocked my husband’s heartburn out in a matter of minutes.
I love bentonite clay – thank you for sharing!
Raw porato juice has alkaline properties. Grind raw pottato with water and take it in. It gives instant relief if you have acidity problem.
Very interesting!
Hi I’m 52 years old and I weight 130 lbs I have been suffering with stomach problems for quite some time(pain, acid reflux, bloating, burping a lot it interferes when I go to sleep sometimes, is very annoying and uncomfortable) I have seen my doctor and he found out the that I had H pylori, I was given antibiotics for 7 days, after that nothing has changed everything still the same I also experience a lot of nausea. I have seen the doctor again to find out why I still feel this way and he basically said that I need to loose a few pounds apparently the fat is putting pressure in the large intestine also he said that is also sign of menopause. I don’t know what to do I’m soooo scared. Because of the bloating I feel so big in my mid section. I also feel full i eat because i have to eat not because i want to eat. I feel like a have the flu bug, my joints have also started to hurt, I used to go for jogging or I exercised at home and now I don’t feel like doing any of that. I’m extremely worried and afraid. Please help me.
When we have stomach problems, we take digestive enzymes and probiotics. For bacteria infections, I like to take raw garlic or colloidal silver. If your doctor said losing weight would help, I would try Plexus {} or the Trim, Healthy, Mama book. Best wishes to you!