According to the Centers For Disease Control, 935,000 Americans have a heart attack every year. Often, at least half of these people actually die from the heart attack. It’s important to know the symptoms of a heart attack so you can recognize even the small signs and treat it immediately. The symptoms may include:
- Shortness of breath
- Chest pain, squeezing, or pressure
- Discomfort or pain in the shoulders, arms, back or neck
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Sweating
Preventing heart attacks is the best option to aim for! Educate yourself as to what causes a heart attack, which mainly consists of poor diet and lack of exercise.
Most heart attacks stem from malnutrition due to too many processed foods, sugar, and other unhealthy eating habits. Feed your heart by consuming foods that will strengthen the heart. Aim for eating more foods such as, onions, apples, walnuts, olive oil, oats, beans, etc. And of course, exercise daily!
Linked to:
The Modest Mom What Joy Is Mine A Mama’s Story
The Better Mom A Wise Woman Builds Her Home Mind Body and Sole
Growing Home Like A Mustard Seed Walking Redeemed Time Warp Wife
Raising Homemakers
Deep Roots at Home
Far Above Rubies
I used cayenne last night for that very reason. Thankfully I had read about how taking a little cayenne tincture or putting some of the powder in 1/2 cup hot water & drinking it can stop a heart attack. Well, I don’t know what I was having, but I was afraid it was a heart attack. I took a couple swallows of the powder in hot water. And the uneasy, pain feeling in my chest went away. Praise the Lord.
That is a wonderful testimony, Nana! Thank you for sharing! Cayenne is perfect for the heart – you are very wise to take it any time you have those feelings!
Found you on a blog hop today! I’m so excited to be one of you newest followers!!
Note: I am a Registered Holistic Nutritionist so always looking for new tips/tricks in our field, practicing out of our home in Ontario, Canada
Well welcome, Rach – I’m so glad you found me! It sounds like you would have A LOT to teach me by being a Nutritionist! Pass any info my way!
Thanks for the reminder. Sometimes we get so caught up in our culture that “people have heart attacks” that we forget the reason behind it. Ultimately our bodies are just trying to save themselves as we pour junk into them.
Very interesting information. Thanks for posting at Wildcrafting Wednesday.
Jennifer at The Entwife’s Journal
Thanks for sharing this reminder on Wildcrafting Wednesday and congratulations on being this week’s Featured Blogger.
Congrats on being featured on Wildcrafting Wednesday! I’m sharing this on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest!
Thank you ladies!
The best way to handle a heart attack problem is to prevent it. In order to prevent a heart attack problem, we should fully understand and know the causes and symptoms of heart attack. You can visit my blog at to read more about it.
thanks for this post!