I would like to briefly say that I do realize that there are mothers that do not choose to work because they put an emphasis on material things over their children. My heart goes out to widowed or single mothers that do not have a choice.
For the first twelve years of my life or so, my mom babysat in our home. Boys and girls were dropped off in the early mornings to ride the school bus from our house, they were there after school to play with, and stayed on into the evening until their parents got off work. And talk about the summers! We had those children at our house all day long to play with. I loved it! The girls were almost like sisters to me, and the babies were so much fun to love on! I remember the fun of acting like a little mommy and helping to take care of the little ones. It was exciting to watch the little ones take their first steps, cut new teeth, say new words and grow and change right before my eyes!
It made an impression on me how patient, loving and kind my mother was. How she kept up with our family, several other kids of all ages, meals, house work and yard work, is beyond my comprehension!
One thing I realized during those years was that we were spending a lot of time with these little children, watching them grow and develop, and the parents were missing out. My mom sent them off to school, was the first one to greet them when they got home from school, the first one to listen to the triumphs and troubles of the day, fed them the famous after-school snack, and fixed dinner for some of them. She cheered on the wobbly walkers, comforted the scraped knees, the hurt feelings, and fussy teethers. She read stories, helped with homework, and tried to re-direct the character flaws that were on full display.
Yes! It is so nice to be reminded of why I stay home with my kids. Thank you for this post 🙂
Thanks for reading, Sarah!
So true! I stay home with my kids for the same reason. Because I want to be with them! That’s the same reason why I initially decided to homeschool (though my reasons have increased exponentially). My 5 year old told me last week, “You know what Mom? I just really love being with you all the time.” I feel so blessed to share these years with my little ones 🙂
(found you through the Growing Home link-up)
That is so sweet of your child to say that! I’m so glad you found me through Growing Home – Jacinda is a sweet friend of mine. 🙂
Hi Jill, I am excited to read your post, heading over to link. Tara.
Thanks, Tara!
Hi Jill,
First let me say, I enjoyed your blog up until this post. The statements at the beginning of the post sound like you are excusing single moms and windows, but you are shaming on the rest of us. This may not have been your attention, but that is how I perceived it.
I am not a single mom nor am I a widow. I do work fulltime and I am a grad student. My son is 9 by daughters are 20. I stayed home with my girls, but went back to work when my son was two.
I feel blessed that I was able to stay home with my girls, and I feel a ton of guilt about leaving my son. I chose to go to work, to help my husband pay the bills. I also wanted to be financially independent in case something was to happen to my husband. My best friend lost her husband and was left with nothing. She had very little work experience and no family to help her. She struggled to provide for her two children. She now works multiple jobs and rarely gets to spend time with her kids. I don’t want this to happen to my son. I want to be able to provide food and shelter for my son if something happens to my husband. I don’t work for material possessions; I work because I want to support my family if something happens.
I am happy that you are in position to stay home with your children and a little envious. However, I do not regret making the decision to work. I will be in a position to put my son through school, and to help my daughters pay off their school loans.
Thanks for reading, Crystal!
This blog post is to share the reasons I choose to stay home, and to encourage other mothers to do the same if they have a working husband. In no way do I think I am a better person or love my children more because of my decision, but I believe it is my calling as a mother to raise my own girls.
I know many women do work to have financial security if something were to happen to their husband, and some don’t have a choice. I don’t want to work now to prepare for something that may never happen, while missing the important years with my children. If something tragic were to happen and I had to find work, I would be thankful for the years I did have with them. I believe God promises to take care of me and my girls if a tragedy did strike, and He would provide what I needed. My heart goes out to your friend who has experienced such tragedy.
I believe being a wife and mother is the most noble job of all