A few of my children have a strange obsession with eating ice. It doesn’t matter what the weather is like outside, they crave cold ice all day long. And while some children want a drink of water before bed, mine want ice. And while some children want to snack on food, mine want to crunch on ice {though they do eat plenty of food too 🙂 }. I would most likely think they just had a strange sense of cravings, except for the fact that I know that excessive ice cravings can be a sign of iron deficiency.
A name for iron deficiency is anemia, which is one of the most common deficiencies in the United States. It’s more common among women, especially those with heavy menstrual cycles. (If you suffer from heavy cycles, read my post on imbalanced hormones here. Balancing your hormones regulate your monthly cycles.)
10 Signs You May Be Suffering From Iron Deficiency
- Fatigue
- Shortness of breath
- Pale skin and dark circles under the eyes
- Dizziness
- Restless Leg Syndrome
- Pounding Heart
- Strange cravings like ice, clay, or dirt
- Hair Loss
- Anxiety
- Difficulty Concentrating
Iron’s most important role in the body is to provide hemoglobin, which brings oxygen throughout the tissues. Proper oxygen is necessary for the cells to stay alive.
Checking Iron Levels
If you are low on iron, you will suffer greatly. Some even reach the point of needing iron infusions. Extreme fatigue and no energy is hard to live with everyday, not to mention other side effects from low iron.
A simple blood test called a serum ferritin test will tell you what your iron levels are. It’s also dangerous to have iron levels that are too high. If you have high levels, Dr. Mercola recommends donating blood. If your levels are low, you may need an iron supplement, or eating more iron-rich foods could be sufficient. Check with your doctor to see what he/she recommends.
Iron Food Supplement
- My family has had personal success with Nutrigold Organic Iron Whole Food Supplement. Check it out HERE.
Foods High In Iron
If you suffer from signs of iron deficiency, eat a well balanced diet, including those foods that are high in iron.
- Red meat
- Beans
- Dark Green Leafy Vegetables
- Whole Grains
- Nuts
- Seeds
Do You Suffer From Any Of These Signs of Anemia?
I also loved chewing on ice in my younger days, and was finally diagnosed as anemic around age thirteen or so. A source rich in iron is organ meats, which we don’t eat much in this day and age. Liver and onions, which I don’t care for, is a great way to get more iron. Know that iron supplements will turn your stool a dark, almost black color. They also may constipate you. Dark leafy greens are another good dietary source.
I like liver and onions, but I have not fixed it in a really long time. I need to try it out on my kiddos and see what they think. 🙂
Jill recently posted…10 Signs You May Be Suffering From Iron Deficiency
Sorry, I missed that you listed greens as a source. Another thought came to me, is the fact that heme iron from red meat/organ meats is the most readily absorbed source of iron for our bodies. It’s a complex topic.
Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Jill recently posted…10 Signs You May Be Suffering From Iron Deficiency