This is the time of year with lots of sicknesses that hits almost every family! I’ve heard of many cases of RSV going around lately, especially with little babies.
I experienced RSV in 2011 with my then 2-month old. I know this virus can get pretty scary for infants. The cases can be more severe in babies under 6 months.
RSV has mild to serious symptoms, and my baby had the most serious symptoms, BUT she never acted sick and was her normal happy self. I’ll explain what I did that helped her so much!
What is RSV?
Respiratory syncytial virus infection (RSV) is a lot like a bad cold and it is very contagious. They say that most children get this virus by the age of two.
The milder symptoms can include:
- A cough
- A stuffy or runny nose
- A mild sore throat
- An earache
- A fever
- Less energy
- Fussy
- Loss of appetite
The more serious symptoms include:
- Wheezing – a high-pitched, whistling-type sound which normally occurs when breathing out.
- Difficulty breathing
These more serious symptoms can be scary and can cause the lips and fingernails of the child to turn blue from lack of oxygen. That definitely calls for an ER trip! It can also lead to pneumonia.
Reagan’s symptoms started off like a cold and developed into more and more congestion, which turned into wheezing.
There’s never good timing for sickness, but Reagan’s wheezing developed at a really bad time. We had a snow & ice storm and I was unable to take her to the doctor due to them closing their offices for a few days.
Reagan’s symptoms weren’t bad enough to make an ER trip, so I watched her closely at home and used a few home remedies to help things not get serious. I did take her to the doctor as soon as I could and they tested for the RSV and prescribed a nebulizer.
Natural Help for RSV
Here’s what I did to help my baby not suffer as much with this virus:
I began giving her colloidal silver from the beginning when she first showed signs of coughing and congestion. For her age, I gave 10 drops 3-4 times a day. When her cough tightened and she started wheezing, I gave her 10 drops of silver every two hours for about three days. Her cough quickly loosened and became more productive and her wheezing didn’t get serious. I administered silver for another 5 days 1-3 times a day until I’d given it to her for a total of 10 days.
I also put a humidifier (or a diffuser) on a chair by her bed. I used the humidifier every day with the oil until her wheezing stopped and congestion was almost cleared.
Although Reagan did show signs of having the serious symptoms of RSV, she didn’t run a fever, lose appetite nor act fussy or sick. She was her usual happy, smiling self! 🙂 The doctor and nurses all commented that she certainly didn’t act sick, and were surprised at how well she handled the virus. I get this comment often when my children are sick because using natural medicines to assist the immune system makes ALL the difference! I’ve never had a baby sick so young, and I’m glad I was able to ease her sickness at home with simple, inexpensive home remedies!
Have any of your children had RSV? How did you treat it?
This post was originally published on February 16, 2011.
Rsv is from vaccinations, that’s why almost all the children get them before they are 2. Rsv is traced specifically back to the Hep B shot. Please research before administering any more, they are all horribly damaging. The FDA has all the ingredients and side effects on their website. If you want any more info you can email me:
Hey, Tessa! My daughter that contracted RSV has never had a vaccination. It was just a virus going around at the time.
I have never vaccinated my children and 3 of my 6 children have gotten it before age 1. I have been told it acts like a common colds in adults and can easily be spread to babies.
My 6 week old currently has it and I refused the hep shot in the hospital so not all cases are linked but good to know!
Wishing your sweet baby well!
Actually, 3 of my children have had RSV and none of my 6 children are vaccinated.
I gave silver through the nebulizer as recommended by a friend.
I have started nebulizing with silver when mine have wheezing or congestion as well, Kalynn. It works so well!
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Not true, my granddaughter at 7 weeks old has RSV as I type this! She has not had any vaccine other than the Vitamin K drops!
Hi Jill!
What kind of medications did the dr prescribe you? I took my son to the dr earlier this week. He was placed in Orapred and the nebulizer. His cOugh seems to be getting worse. Trying to figure out how serious it is…thank.
They prescribed Albuterol in a nebulizer. They gave me a 90-day supply, but I only had to use it twice. The other remedies I was using helped so much that 2 treatments at home was all she needed to get over the hump. Hope your son is well soon!
My 3 year old has it and I fear it is only a matter of time (actually, her temp is already starting to spike) before my daughter gets it. I’m just wondering, were you Breastfeeding at the time? I’m hoping the antiviral properties in my milk (coupled with myself also being sick with what I assume is the same RSV strain as my 3 yr old) will help keep her at the mild stage, but she is only 4 months old so I am quite worried. My poor son has been sick for a couple days now and it’s been a battle to keep his symptoms under control. Thanks!
I was exclusively breastfeeding at the time, which does help the baby for sure! Hope all is well soon!
Did you dilute the colloidal silver before administering it? Ours is 500 ppm.
I do not dilute the colloidal silver. Thanks for the question! 🙂
Where can i buy these products?
I typically buy silver from Amazon or Swanson’s. I buy eucalyptus oil from Beeyoutiful {you can find their ad in my sidebar.} Take care!
My daughter at 4 months has gotten this, I was very hesitant to give her the medicine, but I guess a few doses will be fine. I am def going to try the eucalyptus oil! I prefer to do natural remidies then give medicine.. Another other remidies you recommend?
Should t use Eukalyptus on babies under 3 yrs old.
Eucalyptus oil should not be used on children under two at all. For kids age 2-9, keep the oil away from the face, and apply well diluted to the bottoms of feet or along the spine.
I can ask my readers on facebook if anyone has treated this naturally. Keep an eye on it in the next few days! Thanks! {}
Hi Jill! Thanks for talking about silver. That is what I am doing for my son (13 months) that seems to have RSV. He is worse at night though so I am going to try your suggestion of the eucalyptus oil in his bath. Can’t hurt! I am also using elderberry syrup which does wonders for the congestion and coughing. I actually give both my kids the elderberry at the first sign of sickness and it seems to really help. 🙂
Thanks for sharing what works for you. Hope you all are better soon!
Excellent blog you’ve got here. It’s difficult to find high-quality writing like yours nowadays. I really appreciate individuals like you! Take care!! You can visit my site.
Hi Jill, I have heard so much about Collodial Silver and how good it is,but I have also heard about how it may not be safe to use, Have you ever had any problems with this. I heard too much may change your skin color. Thanks Ellin
You are referring to the skin condition known as argyria. This can only happen if silver is not made correctly at home, or from a severe misuse of it. You would have to consume 50 times the normal dose EVERY DAY for this to be even possible. Taking silver for medicinal reasons daily when needed or hourly when sick will not turn the skin blue. Considering that pharmaceutical drugs can be fatal with severe overdosing, and thousands die every year from regular usage, I believe silver is much safer to take. Thanks, Ellin!
My son had RSV w serious symptoms when he was 3 months old. We didn’t use medication but rather did saline nebulizer almost every hour. He got over it just fine.
So glad to hear it, Sarah! I need to get a nebulizer to keep on hand.
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We use doTerra’s “Breathe” blend, oregano, and lime essential oils in the humidifier with great success! They all have very therapeutic and anti-vital effect on the lungs.
Awesome! Love those essential oils! Thanks for sharing!
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Do you dilute the silver in the nebulizer?
thank you for sharing your experience! however, please, be aware that Eucalyptus oil is not safe to use in any form around children under ager of 10yo. It can be very dangerous when used around babies and may effect their breathing.
Thanks, Ana!