I’ve had 2 professional massages in my life, and both were a surprise spa day paid for by someone else. I personally find it above my personal budget to pay for expensive massages on a regular basis, but I sure did appreciate that person that splurged for me!
If you’ve never had a good massage, you don’t know what you’re missing out on. After experiencing the stress melt away and feeling like a renewed person after my massages, it wasn’t hard to convince me how beneficial they are for good health.
Why A Massage Is Beneficial
Massage can have profound effects on the body by creating physiological and chemical changes throughout the body. Plus, during a massage, several reflex points are being pressed throughout the body. These reflex points correlate with organs in your body and the massage helps send healing signals to the organs that may need to be repaired. Other benefits of a massage are:
- Relieves migraines and headaches
- Releases amino acids that work as a natural painkiller
- Improves joints
- Relieves depression and anxiety
- Helps immune system by stimulation of lymph flow
- Improves circulation
- Reduces stress
- Better air flow for asthma sufferers
- Decrease PMS symptoms
- Reduce blood pressure
- Prepares expectant mothers’ bodies for an easier labor
- Helps to release trapped toxins
Read the rest here where I’m writing at Smithspirations today!
I didn’t know that massages can prepare mother’s for an easier labor. My sister is pregnant and is concerned about giving birth. I’ll see if I can find a massage studio in town for her. I’m sure a massage will reduce her stress too. Thanks.
It would definitely be helpful to her!
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Thanks for the wonderful tips! I get migraines sometimes and I’ve never thought of using a massage to help relieve it. Your tip on how the message helps reduce stress, improves circulation, and helps your immune system are all excellent points. There are so many benefits of a massage that finding someone who is experienced in giving them seems like a good way to stay healthy.
I had no idea that messages could improve your joints. My wife and I have been thinking about getting a couple’s massage and I wanted to make sure I learned a little about them since I’ve never had one. As I see it, taking the time to learn about the different massages offered at the spa you choose can help you find the best type to help you feel better and get the benefits you have mentioned.
Thankful for the great post. I feel happy while i take massage and also it reduced my Stress.
I really like that you mentioned that massages can prepare an expectant mother’s body for easier labor! My wife and I are expecting, and as it’s our first child, my wife is very nervous about giving birth. I’ll be sure to pass on the information about how beneficial massages can be to give her some peace of mind!
I had no idea that massages could give you so many benefits. It’s cool that they release amino acids that work as pain killers. My back and neck have been sore for weeks, so I want to try this out.
I like how you mentioned that messages use these reflex points to send healing signals to its correlating body parts which can tend to relieve migraines and reduce blood pressure. That’s perfect to learn since I’ve been feeling so stressed at the moment. Hopefully, a good massage would be able to remove these pains I’m having from my head to my back. I’ll be sure to bring my wife along since I know being a housewife can’t be that easy, especially with twins. Thanks!
I liked how you listed all the benefits of getting a massage. I did not know that they could relieve headaches or release natural painkillers in your body. My husband and I are having a special weekend next month and I think it would be a great way to relax together to get a couples massage.
Thankful for the great post. I feel happy while i take massage and also it reduced my Stress.