Today I’m not feeling the best.
I feel fatigued and run-down. I have a swollen knot on the back of my neck and another spot on my head. Both spots are completely aligned with each other. My body is fighting off an infection and has sent it to these glands. This is making me feel like curling up and sleeping all day.
I am craving chocolate chip cookies, but instead of running my immune system down further, I’m putting that off for another day. 🙂
Here’s what I’m doing:
Taking colloidal silver hourly for half the day because I feel that run down. I want to nip this infection in the bud! I’ll reduce the amount tomorrow to about 4 times, and then probably 3 times a day for a total of 7-10 days. I don’t always start out this aggressive with silver, but I can tell I need to. {My personal favorite colloidal silver is Silver Biotics.}
I discovered these knots last night, so I took colloidal silver before bed. One of the knots is already way down this morning.
I also went to bed at 9:30 for extra rest – that never happens. Sometimes us busy mamas have to drop everything and take care of ourselves. 🙂
I’m also drinking Double E Immune Booster Tea. I often take this mixture in the tincture form that I make, but when I’m chilled and it’s a wintry day outside, I love to sip on some hot tea. What better tea could I choose than one loaded with vitamin C and immune boosting herbs? I love the Double E Immune mixture and keep it on hand at all times.
As you can tell in the photo at the very top of this post, I am almost out of the mix, and my tincture {pictured below} is almost completely gone. {You can tell by the label that I’ve had this tincture forever. It lasts a long time. I used to spend about $10 buying a 2 oz. bottle of echinacea tincture. I save so much money making my own!!}
I am thrilled to pieces that Double E is on sale this month at the Bulk Herb Store – just when I need more! I love it when things work out like that. 🙂
This is linked to:
Growing Home Walking Redeemed Deep Roots at Home Time-Warp Wife
Raising Homemakers
Mind, Body and Sole
I’ve heard sop much about the colloidal silver, I might have to get me some!
I love it! I use it for ear infections, strep, food poisoning, viruses, infections – everything!
Also great for pink eye! We put 2 drops in the infected eye morning and night and next day the pink eye is gone!
Thanks for sharing, Alissa! 🙂
I have colloidal silver but not sure how much to use at a time. Alyssa ( 13 months) has ben fighting a cold on & off but i don’t know how much to give her or how often.
For my children, I give them 1/2 tsp. 3-5 times a day, depending on how sick they are. You will see such a difference in her cold!
Thank you Jill! I just not saw you responded. I gave Lys, her first dose just now
Sounds like your electrolytes are low, common with sickness, Hibiscus tea is great, but not for everyone. I also make golden milk to boost the immune system.
I love anything that boosts the immune system – thanks for sharing!
What does the immune tea taste like? I make my own mix but it tastes awful so i find myself not drinking it enough.
I like this tea – it has peppermint to give it a better flavor. You can add raw honey to yours to make it taste better. 🙂
Love, love, LOVE this post Jill! I’ve never heard of Doube E Immune tincture, I’ll need to check into it. Thanks for sharing on Wildcrafting Wednesday! 🙂
Thank you! Good to hear from you!
We were given a kit to make colloidal silver years ago. The man who gave it to us said to empty a saline bottle and fill it with the silver. He told us to have each person (assigned their own bottle) to use a squirt in each nostril before and after being in a public place during flu season. I was later told that was a terrible idea. Do you have an opinion?
I would love to start making silver myself in the future – it only costs pennies to make. Silver is completely fine to sniff up the nose – many people use this method to help clear out the sinuses. Do you know why the person said it was a terrible idea?
These are great remedies. I’ve used the silver from another supplier before. It is wonderful. Wish I had the money to get some now.
Thanks for sharing with Wildcrafting Wednesday #67, Jill! Always fun to read your posts! I hope you’ll link up again this week! Sharon