The History of Tea Goes Way Back
Drinking tea for medicinal benefits and for mere pleasure has been a practice enjoyed by many cultures over thousands of years.
Tea is thought by most to have originated in China, with the earliest credible record dating back to the 3rd century. The popularity of drinking tea eventually made its way around the world.
Tea made its way to Japan in the sixth century, when Japanese priests made their way to China to learn of its culture. From their trip, they brought back the practice of drinking tea.
In the 1600’s, King Charles II, and his bride Catherine De Braganza, were known as avid tea drinkers, and made the practice popular among the wealthy class of England.
In the wealthy homes of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, tea was typically consumed in the bedchambers of the ladies with an invitation to female friends to join them.
The well-known afternoon tea was made a popular practice by Anne, the duchess of Bedford, who found it difficult to abstain from food between breakfast and dinner.
Queen Anne of Great Britain made tea quite popular by the year 1700, by ordering tea as a regular breakfast drink.
Equipment Needed To Make Tea
Tea & Water
The first, and most important, thing you need to make tea is tea leaves or herbs! That and some good, clean water. After that, you have several choices as far as the “method” of making your tea, but they are all very simple.
I think it’s safe to say that the majority of people who drink tea purchase their tea in the form of tea bags. Most people have no idea what to do when they receive a bag full of loose tea or herbs so below I’m sharing what I do.
Read the rest at the Bulk Herb Store to learn the different ways to make tea!
This post is linked to: A Wise Woman Builds Her Home What Joy Is Mine A Mama’s Story Raising Homemakers Wildcrafting Wednesday
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You mentioned on another site that you healed skin issues on your face you believed were caused by meds taken in youth that damaged your liver by taking a herbal liver cleanse tincture. Can you share what you used. I’ve been organ/clean eating for over 10 years, Weston A Price for two years and on GAPS for 4 months. I added a diamatheous earth to my detox regimen. I have had excema for about 5 years but once starting the GAPS diet and adding the DE the rash has spread and I assume this is a healing crisis. I too took many antibiotics when I first started working as a PA and used these whenever I got a sinus infection (monthly) or UTI bimonthly (which I have healed with a herbal candida cleanse). I still have multiple skin issues (eczema, melasma and very dry itchy skin). Any advise you can offer would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Sharon! Here is a post I wrote on this tincture: Skin issues tend to be tied to the liver and gut problems. In addition to dealing with the liver, I would take homemade fermented foods {kefir, kombucha, fermented vegetables}. Cultured Food Life is an excellent source for this. {} I have recently heard of a man that dealt with severe skin problems for over 20 years and tried everything healthy he could. His skin problems went away when he inserted probiotics rectally. This helped him because the probiotics went straight to the gut and were completely absorbed. I don’t have any specific details on this, but just thought I’d mention it. These are the things I would look into if I were in your shoes. Thanks for the question!
Thank you!!!
Great post. Congrats on being chosen as a featured post on this week’s Wildcrafting Wednesdays! I hope you’ll join us again and share more of your awesome posts.
Thanks, Kristin!
Thanks for posting at Wildcrafting Wed. Congrats on being a featured post. I love tea as well; drink a cup a day during the cold months of the year.
Thank you! 🙂