Today, six friends and I are writing a series called Put the Phone Down! Our hope and prayer is to draw to your attention the importance of one-on-one relationships with those around you, without the distraction of a phone and/or computer.
In closing, you will find a list of lovely ladies and their individual “Put the Phone Down” topic.
Cell phones. They are a blessing. They can be a curse. Can you imagine going somewhere without a cell phone? I had one of my family members call me from their phone recently to tell me that their phone was almost dead and to come looking for them if they weren’t home by a certain time. I laughed when I hung up the phone because I feel the same way – I feel lost without my phone! Can you imagine going out and about without a way to reach someone at the touch of a few buttons, and yet we used to do just that not too many years ago. I only have a basic cell phone. Trying to look at the internet on a tiny screen makes me feel a headache coming on, but many, many people have internet access on their phones wherever they go. Does it drive you nuts to see people everywhere you go with their phone attached to their face on a constant basis? You can’t get a decent conversation out of some people because they won’t look up from their phone long enough to speak. If we’re not careful, we could be missing out on a lot of important things in life. How easy is it to check facebook, emails, blogs, the news, etc. and always have a phone attached?
Does your phone (or computer) keep you, as a homemaker, from:
*Starting your morning with God?
*Reading books to your children?
*Always saying “not now” when your child brings out a game?
*Teaching your children on a moment by moment basis and seizing the golden moments of life?
*Having dinner ready when your husband comes home?
*Keeping the laundry caught up?
*Going to bed with all the dishes done?
*Loving your family by having an organized, clean home?
All I dreamed of as a teenage girl was to be a homemaker; I never aspired to have a career or climb the success ladder to a high-paying job, I wanted to be a homemaker. I never knew there would be so many things to distract me from being the homemaker I should be. Many things tempt me and lure me to focus on them, when they should not be on the top of my priority list. One of these things that tempt me is the computer. Yes I need to work on my blog, check my email, keep up with my herbal studies, but I don’t have to check my email everyday, and I don’t have to work on my blog design as much as I’d like. Am I more up-to-date with everyone’s life on facebook, but don’t realize a deep emotional need my child may be having because I “just don’t have time to talk”? Do I spend time looking at pictures of beautiful homes and absorbing decorating ideas while my home stands neglected? Let’s look at our homes through the eyes of eternity and realize the opportunities we have daily to enjoy precious moments and love our family by being the homemaker we should be. Let’s Put Down The Phone And Be A Homemaker!
Click here to read my cleaning schedule.
Please join the following ladies as they share their heart with you!
· Raising Mighty Arrows– And be a Wife
· Little Natural Cottage– And be a Teacher
· Growing Home – And be a Mother
· An Original Belle – And be a Listener
. For Journey’s Sake– And be a Friend
Becoming Lydia– And be a Witness
Very challenging, Jill! Great post! 🙂
I always dreamed of being a homemaker, too. I must turn off the computer more often to live that dream. Thanks, Jill!
So true, Jill! I’m with you: I never dreamed of all the distractions that would assail me as a wife, mother, and homemaker! It requires a Daily decision to keep our priorities focused on our Lord and our families.
Love your post.
Positively beautiful! Like you, I never wanted to be anything but a homemaker either. I’m not there yet, but God is in control, and when I do get there, I fully intend to cherish that blessing. Well written!
Excellent encouragement. I am a homemaker and I find myself battling with the computer/cell phone often. I walk away to do something, it calls me back. Thank you for this!
Thank you ladies! If I’m really honest with myself, when my house truly stays in order and I’m fulfilling my role as a homemaker the way I should, I have very little time for the computer – I have to work at disciplining myself!
Good thoughts. Our families need US to be with them fully, not just our body, but our mind, too.