If you don’t already have a cleaning schedule, you may find that it’s just what you need for a cleaner house! It’s easy to get distracted and not really take the time to clean. I typed up a quick schedule that I do my best to follow. It makes such a difference to wake up each day knowing what needs to be done, and I’m a visual person, so it helps me to have something to look at.
Make beds
Wipe sink and clean toilet
Do dishes after every meal and sweep after dishes are done
Keep all rooms picked up. Pick up before each meal and make sure everything is in order. Make sure children pick up toys when they are finished before they go on to something else
Run a duster over main surfaces
Do laundry about 5 days a week – keeping hampers almost empty
Vacuum main traffic areas
File papers
Clean bathroom. Do bathtub and shower walls. Clean mirrors and sinks. Clean toilet, wiping all around the outside and floors around toilet by hand.
Vacuum each room
Dust, including frames and figurines – dusting under everything
Sweep and mop floors
Clean out fridge, getting rid of leftovers and wiping up spills
Wipe off outside of all appliances
Change sheets on beds
Sweep down cobwebs
Clean blades of ceiling fans
Clean fridge good – removing all food and cleaning drawers and inside walls. Clean out the freezer too.
Vacuum under beds
Clean out dressers
- Wash curtains. Clean blinds
Clean inside and outside of windows
Wipe all window and door frames
Wipe off baseboards in all rooms
Clean all light fixtures
Vacuum or sweep and mop under all furniture (stove, fridge, dressers, beds, etc.)
Wipe off chair and table legs
Clean out all cabinets in kitchen and bathroom
Clean out closets and vacuum
Remove all books from shelves to dust and sort
Shampoo carpets* I have found that I have the most energy and efficiency in the mornings. Prioritizing is key!*Have you ever read Sarah Mae’s 31 Days to Clean? She has some great ideas for having a “Martha house the Mary way”. You can purchase it for only $4.99!
I also enjoy using this chart for my girls chores. In the past I’ve posted schedules on the fridge, etc., but for some reason nothing has worked as well for me as using this chart system.
Now as for organizing, that’s a whole other story! I may have a cleaning schedule and do my scrubbing dutifully, but clutter overwhelms and stresses me, and I’m still working on conquering that! But conquer it, I will! 🙂
Great ideas! I think you and I were thinking alike – again! I was preparing to do my “winter cleaning”! I actually get excited about it! =O)
Great post my friend, very nice. congrats! if you have some time, take a look on my page, is linked to my name.house cleaning services elyria
Excellent! I needed a good reminder 🙂
I’m so disorganized. I really need this!
I’m hosting a Best of 2011 blog hop and would love to have you come and link a favorite post of 2011
Thank you, ladies! And I sure will, Shanda! Thank you for the invitation!
I just made a daily schedule this week, too! I am pretty excited about it 🙂
Yours looks great!
very informative post. All the tips about house cleaning is really good and easy to apply.
Toronto Cleaning Services
This is such a big help. Putting up schedule makes the job more faster and convenient.