Sitting in the doctor’s office as a college student, feelings of despair washed over me. This was the third doctor I had been to, looking for answers to my unexplainable symptoms of fatigue and dizziness.
What was their answer? “You need antidepressants”. I was shocked and a little miffed at this third doctor’s diagnosis. Though at the time I didn’t know the dangers of taking antidepressants, I knew this was not the answer to my problems. How could fatigue + dizziness = antidepressants? It just wasn’t logical to me.
Join me at Modern Alternative Health for the answer to my symptoms, and the reasons I’m thankful for suffering!
This post is linked to:
A Mama’s Story What Joy Is Mine Raising Arrows The Better Mom
Growing Home Far Above Rubies Time-Warp Wife
My mom got colitis when I was 5 and because the doctors said there was no cure, she cured herself through diet. My dad, a doctor, said those with chronic illnesses end up usually being the healthiest because they do all they can to be healthy. Thankfully, our God promises to work all things together for good!
God does work all for good! Thank you for sharing, Lori!