Rachel Kelley, from Rachel’s Raft, has a website of Christian books and games for children. She recently sent my family 2 of her products, Lunch Tray God’s Way and Carrot Sticks and Bubble Gum Bricks.
Kids love to eat, right? With Lunch Tray God’s Way they can memorize scripture at lunch time! The pictures that go along with the Bible verse on the place mat helps a child memorize scripture by association. For instance, the bottle of water uses the verse in John 6:35, “He that believeth on me shall never thirst”. Each item on the lunch tray has a verse to go with it!
The scriptures used on this place mat are taken from the New King James Version Bible. Since my family only memorizes from the King James version, I have a simple solution for this: the place mat is beautifully laminated, which makes it very simple to write the King James Version and erase when done! We will use Lunch Tray God’s Way over and over to help us all hide God’s Word in our hearts while enjoying a meal together!
In Carrot Sticks & Bubble Gum Bricks, two brothers build their homes, one with sweets and junk and the other with vegetables and healthy foods. Which home is still standing when a whirlwind of germs hits town? Rachel has a unique way of revealing the impact that healthy food vs. junk food has on our lives. With me having a strong desire to teach my girls the impact that food has on our bodies, Carrot Sticks and Bubble Gum Bricks is a book I really enjoy reading to my children!
Rachel is giving away one Lunch Tray God’s Way and one copy of Carrots Sticks and Bubble Gum Bricks! Enter below for your chance to win!
Also, be sure to visit her website at Christian Books and Games to view the other great products her and her husband have created!
The Word I Know from Head to Toe and Carrot Sticks and Bubble Gum Bricks both look great
I like the Memory Verse and chart! Thanks for the chance to win!