If you like eating garlic, you’ll love knowing it’s very healthy for you! Garlic contains a property called allicin that is effective as a natural antibiotic and is antibacterial. It is commonly used for sinus infections, flus and respiratory viral infections. I’m not talking about the garlic salt or powder you can buy at the store, but fresh garlic cloves. When a raw garlic clove is crushed, the healthy benefits are released. Cooking the garlic does destroy a lot of the antibiotic value, but does still contain other benefits for your health. If you want to receive all the good stuff from the garlic, then I suggest crushing raw cloves and adding them to foods after they are cooked, like:
*Spaghetti Sauce
*Diced Tomatoes
*Pizza Sauce
*Cooked Chicken
*Anything that would taste good with garlic 🙂
Adding fresh, raw garlic to your diet on a regular basis is a smart choice. We can still eat yummy foods, but let’s make them as healthy as we can ~ like choosing to use fresh garlic instead of the garlic powder or salt. We might as well combine flavor and healthy benefits when we can! Grab some garlic cloves the next time you shop, and live a better quality of life ~ naturally!
*Note: Though nothing can replace the power of fresh garlic, sometimes using fresh garlic is not convenient. There is the option of buying it in capsules. You will find this effective as well. For a good concentrated garlic capsule that I recommend, click here.
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