Have you ever been let down by the conventional medical system? I well remember the day that I was.
I remember realizing one day that I was so overcome with fatigue and panic attacks that I did not know how to function everyday. I realized that for the first time the doctors did not have a pill to prescribe to me for my ailment. All of my blood tests came back normal and they said I should be feeling great.
But I wasn’t. I could hardly function enough to do normal day to day activities. I did not know it, but my body was crying out for nutritional healing that could not be prescribed by a doctor.
I grew up thinking that conventional doctors always knew what was best for my health, and I never, ever questioned any pills that they prescribed me. Suffering for years in my early adulthood from side effects of medication quickly changed my mind on making someone else’s opinion the complete guideline for my health.
Now don’t get me wrong. I really appreciate the medical system when it comes to emergencies. I am amazed at how they can save lives for those who would otherwise be hopeless in surviving (humanly speaking), and ease the pain of suffering patients.
But I’ve discovered that when it comes to good health in general, I now rarely agree with the advice given by medical professionals because I have discovered through personal experience that God has a vast array of healing for me growing right outside my door without the harmful side effects that pills used to give me. If you’ve not read my health story, you can read it here.
I used to be very skeptical of herbs and natural healing. It makes me laugh to even think that was true at one time because my thinking has changed so much over the years.
Once I took charge of my own health, I experienced healing and began to feel better than I had in many, many years. This change came about through me choosing to eat different foods and to nourish my body with healing herbs.
This first taste of successful healing encouraged me to keep going, keep learning, and keep using these natural methods to promote both wellness and healing for my own family.
Fast forward 15 years later and we’re still using them, now more than ever. Our natural medicine chest is brimming with herbal remedies and essential oils (among other things) that really do work. My kids know that when someone’s sick or hurt, that’s where I’ll head first.
So how did I learn how to treat my family with natural remedies? How did I even know where to start?
Yes, I have taken a family herbalist course through an online school. But that is not how I got started in learning, nor where I’ve learned most of my information.
I bought books, watched YouTube videos, and read a lot of things online. I’m still in the learning process. And honestly, experience brings confidence. When I saw how well natural medicine worked (far better than conventional medicine when it came to common illnesses), I gained confidence to learn more and used herbs and essential oils more often and for a variety of situations.
And let me tell you that I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on courses and books to gain the knowledge that I have. And the learning never stops. I am ALWAYS learning new things about God’s creation that can do so much for us.
Are you more of a beginner and just need some step-by-step tutorials, recipes and safety information to help you feel good about moving forward?
Or are you like me and have been using herbs and essential oils to some degree, but you want to get serious and learn more advanced information?
Regardless of where you’re at, I’m so excited to introduce you to something created just for you and me, to equip us with more confidence, skills and know-how as we use herbs and essential oils in our own home.
It’s called the Herbs & Essential Oils Super Bundle.
It’s a collection of 20 eCourses, eBooks and printables that bring together science-backed, time-honored remedies and information, in one comprehensive package, at a price that’s too good to miss.
With these resources at your fingertips, you’ll be able to:
- Separate fact from fiction as you choose quality herbs and essential oils.
- Confidently prepare salves, syrups, tinctures, and teas.
- Properly dilute oils for topical use.
- Learn blending principals for aromatic use.
- Incorporate essential oils into easy and effective herbal remedies.
- Know which herbs are safe for pregnancy, babies and children.
- Use printables to organize your essential oils for safety and ease of use.
- Create beauty products, herbal baths, and even gifts for friends and family.
Instead of spending $400 (as I’ve definitely invested more than that over the years), you can get this entire herbs and essential oils library, worth over $400, for less than $30. That’s 92% off what it would cost to buy everything individually!
I wish so much that there was something like this available years ago!
(Not to mention, it’s the price of one doctor or hospital copay, or filling a prescription or two.)
Golden Poppy Herbal Apothecary is a full-service apothecary and clinic offering small batch hand-made herbal products to enhance your health and wellbeing. With your bundle, you’ll also receive a special coupon for 50% off bulk herbs and essential oils! For starters, I plan to order their horsetail herb. It’s one I’ve wanted to try to strengthen my veins, hair, and nails, and getting it at 50% off is a steal!.
The bundle is available for just 6 days, from now until Monday, June 27th, 2016 at 11:59pm EST. That’s why the Ultimate Bundles team can offer so much, because they only have permission to sell it for such a short period of time.
Learn more or get your bundle now!
If you think getting all these herb & essential oil resources for less than $30 sounds like a steal, then make sure to go HERE to see exactly what it includes and grab yours before this deal ends!
I’m also happy to answer any questions you have! Contact me at jill@jillshomeremedies.com.
P.S. I’ll be sharing some of my most favorite resources from this bundle via email! Subscribe here so you don’t miss it!
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