I love using essential oils on a regular basis. One thing that may make me not use them as often as I should is the fact that I need to dilute them before use. My solution? Putting together diluted essential oil blends as a convenient time saver!
So I seriously know that diluting essential oils do not take very long. It takes less than a minute to pour a teaspoon of a carrier oil in my palm (or glass bowl), add a few drops of essential oil/oils, stir it all up, and apply. But those few seconds can seem like a huge undertaking at times when life is busy or I’m running out the door.
Have you ever been there when life is so crazy that just grabbing a few bottles of oil and mixing them can be something you put off? Yep, that’s what life is like around here. I’ve told myself a thousand times how much easier it would be to put together diluted essential oil blends to be instantly ready to use all the time. The truth is that I use essential oils more if they are already diluted and ready to use instantly.
If you don’t know how important it is to dilute essential oils, please read one of my favorite websites on this subject: LearningAbout EOs.com. Essential oils are powerful substances! In order to avoid being harmed by essential oil usage, diluting most of the oils first is so very important.
So I’ve set out to start keeping diluted essential oil blends on hand, and guess what? It works! I now using them more readily than before.
Preparing your own diluted blends is so super simple, and a lot cheaper than buying them already in diluted blends. I’m a total fanatic when it comes to doing things myself and saving money – especially when it’s SO easy to do.
How To Prepare Your Own Diluted Essential Oil Blends
Basic Ingredients
- Carrier oil such a grapeseed oil, fractionated coconut oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, olive oil
- Essential oils of choice
- Dark glass bottle such as a roller bottle or one with a euro top or sprayer (depending on how you wish to use it). Here are some great bottle options, and you can also buy this really cool essential oil accessory kit!
- Place carrier oil in a dark glass bottle of choice.
- Add essential oils of choice.
- Shake before each use.
Basic Diluting Instructions
How much you dilute your essential oils depends on how you are using them. An adult that is using essential oils for something temporary and more serious like a bad bruise, cramping, and pain can use up to 150 drops of an essential oil per ounce of a carrier oil. This amount is only for adults, only for a severe need, and only for temporary use. I would not necessarily make pre-diluted blends with this ratio simply because it should not be used often. I would just blend it together as needed for these situations.
Using essential oils under the age of 2 is not typically recommended either. For that young of age, opt rather for using hydrosols or only herbs instead.
For these prediluted blends, I recommend using 2-3 drops of essential oil per 1 teaspoon of a carrier oil. I personally love grapeseed oil as a carrier oil for most circumstances because it does not have a scent, meaning that you only smell the lovely essential oil scents. The other carrier oils work very well also, and there are times I use them as well.
Here are some essential oils I dilute for convenience. You can dilute any essential oil, but these are a few examples of the essential oils I dilute the most and like to have prediluted on hand.
Note: To diffuse these oils into the air or on aromatherapy jewelry, do not dilute. Diluting them is for topical application only.
Diluted Lavender Oil
Lavender oil is an oil that can be used neat (undiluted), but I personally dilute it if I’m using it on a daily or regular basis to err on the safe side. If I need it for a bee sting, burn, or a severe headache, I use it undiluted. For minor headaches or to apply as a means of a calming effect, I dilute it. Buy lavender oil here.
Also, be sure to check out my post on a DIY Sweet Dreams Pillow Mist (using lavender oil)!
[yumprint-recipe id=’4′]Diluted Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil is another one that some use undiluted, however, I do know of those that have developed a sensitivity over time because of it – meaning they can never use peppermint oil again or have any kind of food, candy, or gum with peppermint in it. Properly diluting essential oils is serious business.
I dilute peppermint oil all the time now, especially for children. Some don’t believe you should use this oil for children under the age of 6 because it can cause respiratory distress (only if you put it near the face) while others say not to use it under the age of 2. I personally use it diluted for under 6 (but not under 2), but I don’t use it near the face for under the age of 6.
The 2 ways we use peppermint oil the most often is for fevers and nausea. It is truly a lifesaver. Buy peppermint oil here.
[yumprint-recipe id=’5′]Diluted Tea Tree OilTea tree oil is also an oil that many use undiluted. I typically dilute it, but occasionally may not for a temporary need like headaches, burns, bites, and stings. Tea tree oil helps relieve pain and is such a powerful antiseptic. This oil has been used for serious infections (like staph) when nothing else would help! This is an oil I believe everyone should keep on hand for possible serious infections. Buy tea tree oil here.
I recommend using a bottle with a euro top when using it for wounds because rolling the oil on a wound would just not feel good.
[yumprint-recipe id=’6′]Citrus Summer BlendYou can also blend different essential oils together to create wonderful scents. These scents can calm you, energize you, boost your immune system, help you during a cough, or brighten your mood – depending on which oils you combine. I really like to dilute essential oil blends and apply them as a perfume with a rollerball behind the ears, on the wrists, and backs of the knees.
This blend uses orange, lemon, and tangerine.
[yumprint-recipe id=’7′]Whether you are using essential oils for their beautiful scent or applying them for an illness or injury, preparing your own diluted essential oil blends makes life just a little bit easier.Do you pre-dilute essential oils for regular use? I would love to hear what oils you blend or how you use any of these oils individually! Share it with me in the comments below!
I dilute my oils in advance if I am going to need a particular oil for an ongoing issue. For example, I make up a solution in advance for my husband who has difficulty sleeping. We use the diluted lavendar and cedarwood nightly- so I have the solution made up near his bed. I also use oregano for something, and I have a diluted bottle handy. When I just want to use an oil- I usually dilute on the spot or use it neat.
That’s a great idea to keep a blend on the night stand! There’s nothing worse than falling in bed exhausted only to remember you forgot something. Thanks for sharing what you use!
Jill recently posted…6 Oils That Repel Insects
Lovely blog post. Great idea to have ready made diluted essential oils, they are such useful remedies to have to hand. Ruby
Thank you, Ruby!
Wonderful idea. Great read! Thanks!