To make pancakes healthier and more fun, simply add nutritious flowers. One way I do this is by making red clover pancakes. I make a basic pancake recipe and add red clover flowers to the batter.
Tell your kids all about the health benefits of red clover while they help you harvest the flowers. Using plants outside for food and medicine can become like second nature to them. It’s one of the best practices you can pass on to your kids!
Let’s review the health benefits of red clover:
Red Clover is high in:
Internal Uses
*Updated from July 29, 2011
Dear Jill,
I just love to see your creativity with your girls. One thing we still love to do is to look for unusual insects or flowers and identify them together. Just 2 days ago, we found a black swallowtail caterpillar on the dill eating away…but we had never seen the WAY that they eat. It is truly amazing, so out came the camera for a short video! My son (a senior) helped me and we all got it set up. Home-education at its best :)Those teachable moments are precious. Thanks for encouraging others. I LOVE your blog…we must think a bit alike 🙂
Thank you, Jacqueline! I’m really enjoying your blog! 😉